Is it possible to get size-zero figures with exercise? Well, an answer to this question is- Yes and your body weight have an important role to play in it. Most of the teenage girls today crave for size zero figures and for this reason, they are following a strict diet or skipping meals. No doubt, controlling your diet can help you to reach your goal, but at the same time, exercise can help a lot in weight management by -promoting fat burning process in body. So, we are going to give you a detailed description of some exercises that will help to reduce your body fat and thus, body weight to help you to get size zero. Let us start with Running.
Weight loss is the first main goal to get the size zero. Any exercise is a good one, but when we are talking about weight loss, then it is hard to beat running. Of course, it is a great option for some warm up too. Yes, it is one of the most efficient exercises to burn the enough calories that, in turn, help to loss overall extra fat from the body. If you are already a good runner, then it is good. If you are not, then start running. You can do it alone at anywhere and you don’t need any equipment, except a pair of your running shoes. Due to this reason, it is actually the simplest workout to start your exercises.

Well, cycling is an aerobic exercise that helps to lose fat on any part of your body. Burning more calories than you consume is the key to lose weight and aerobic exercise burns more calories. As it is a non weight bearing exercise, it is easy for joints, muscles and tendons that not only helps you to lose fat from the hips and waist, but also improves your overall fitness.
If you are serious about losing weight to attain zero figure, then squat is another best exercise which you can include in your daily routine. Squats are a type of strength training exercise that helps to fasten the metabolism. An increase in metabolic rate in turn increases the burning rate of calories that supports weight loss. Body weight Squats are in fact the fantastic ones that mainly work on thighs and hips.
• First of all, stand straight with your feet one shoulder width apart.
• Now, bend your knees slowly to a 90 degree angle, with your hips pushing backwards.
• Keep your back straight with your eyes looking ahead. Stay for a moment at this position and then, slowly come back to original position.
Well, crunch is one of the most popular abdominal exercises that primarily work on abdominal muscles. Zero figure includes a flat belly and yes, abdominal crunches are the great ones that help in losing belly fat. So, you can include abdominal crunches in your daily routine too and the instructions to perform this exercise are given below-
• First, lie on the floor. Make a starting position with your hands placed on both sides of heads and knees bend on the floor.
• Now, lift your shoulders and upper back away from the floor with your face towards the ceiling. Stay at this position for a moment and then come back to original position.
• Relax for a moment and then repeat the steps.
Does power yoga help you to achieve size zero? Well, power yoga helps you tone up and lose the extra fat from the body. Losing extra pounds in turn helps you to complete the target of size zero. It is a fitness based workout that helps your body to build internal heat and thus, increases the stamina. It is a carefully planned system of yoga poses that include asanas which require lots of skill and calories. Nowadays, it is becoming popular around the world. Here, we are giving you a detailed description of some power yoga poses that help you to get a well shaped and toned figure.
Chair pose (Utkatasna) - Before, you start your power yoga, it is better you start with some warm up. Utkatasna yoga pose can be a good option for warm up and it helps to shape your hips and thighs. In this asana, your body appears as a chair and hence, it is known as chair pose.
• First of all, stand in mountain pose as shown in the figure A. Now, inhale with your arms raising perpendicular to floor. You can either keep your arms parallel with palms facing inward or you can join your palms.
• Now, exhale and bend your knees with thighs parallel to the floor. Make sure, your knees are projecting out over the feet.
• Firm your shoulder against the back with your tailbone downwards towards the floor. Stay for at least 30 seconds in this position.
• Now, come back to original position by straighten your knees with inhalation. Now release your arms slowly with exhalation.
Extended sides angle pose (Utthita parsvakonasana)-
The name of this yoga pose consists of three words- utthita which means to stretch, parsva which means side and kona which means angle. Yes, this yoga pose helps you to get a good stretch for the sides of your body by improving the process of digestion.
• Stand in mountain pose. Turn to the left with your arms extending sideways with palms facing down. Step your feet 4-feet apart.
• Now turn your left leg as well as foot outward 90 degrees. Bend your left knee to make your left thigh parallel to floor. Now, turn in your right toes, slightly. Keep your back leg straight with your right hip slightly forward. Inhale with your torso open to left.
• Now, exhale and lower down your left arm with forearm resting on your left thigh. Extend your right arm over your head with fingertips reaching in the same direction as that of your front toes.
• Now turn your head towards the ceiling. Lower down your left hand to the floor with your palms next to inside arch of front foot. To deepen the pose, place your front hand on outside of your front foot.
• Stay in this position for a minute. Now come to a standing position slowly with your arms extended at shoulder height. Turn your feet and face back to original position. Now step your feet close together and repeat the same steps with opposite side.
Cat pose (Marjarasana)-
Well, we all know that a healthy digestion is the key source of a healthy body weight. Cat pose helps to improve the digestion that supports fat loss from the abdomen and thus, supports toning of your abdominal muscles.
• As shown, first make a tabletop position with your knees directly below your hips.
• Make sure your wrists, elbows and shoulders are in line and perpendicular to the floor. Now centre your head in a neutral position with your eyes looking at the floor.
• Inhale and lift your sitting bones and chest towards the ceiling and belly towards floor. Now lift your head slowly to look straight forward.
• Now, exhale and come back to original tabletop position. Repeat 10 to 20 times.
Horse pose (Ashwasanchalana)-
Generally, Ashwasanchalan pose improves the overall well being of the body but mainly, it strengthens abdomen and thigh muscles. In this asana, your body appears as horse and it helps to reduce fat from abdomen, hips and thighs.
• As shown, first make a standing forward bend position. Stretch your left leg backwards and balance your leg on toes with heels rising upwards and left knee touching the floor.
• Now bend your right leg in such a way that it should touch your chest.
• Lift your head towards the sky with arms on either side of your right leg with palms facing downwards.
• Now, follow the same steps by stretching your right leg.
Tree (Vrikshana)-
Yes, you are right. As the name indicates, your body appears as tree in this yoga asana that helps to strengthen abdominal muscles and supports the toning of your lower back.
• Stand in mountain pose. Bend your right knee with all your weight on left leg. Turn your right knee to the right wall with heel resting against left leg.
• Now, look down at the floor and lift your right foot little up on the left leg. Bring your palms together in front of your heart as that of a prayer position.
• Lift your arms over the head making H position. Stay at this position for some time. Now, slowly exhale your arms down with legs releasing to their original position. Now, repeat the steps with left knee bending against the right leg.
Leg raised pose (Uttanapadasana)-
The word Uttanapadasana comprised of three words ut which means to lift, tan which means to stretch and pad which means leg. It is a classic yoga pose that involves raising legs which helps to reduce the belly fat.
• Lie down horizontally with your back on the ground and face looks upwards (supine position). Keep your feet and knees together and arms straight close to the body with palms touching the floor?
• Inhale slowly and hold your breath. Now, lift your legs by one foot and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
• Now, start exhaling and lower down your legs, slowly. Repeat the steps after resting for a moment.
Pawanmukatasana is a yoga pose that massages digestive organs to improve the digestion and metabolism which helps to fat from belly and lower back.
• Lie down horizontally with your back on the ground and face looks upwards. Keep your feet and knees together and arms straight close to the body with palms touching the floor.
• Inhale slowly and hold your breath. Clasp your right knee by both hands and press your knees slowly towards your stomach. Hold for a moment and then press your knee further to touch your nose.
• Now, exhale and release your legs to original position. Repeat the steps with your left knee and then with both your legs.
Cobra pose (Bhujang asana)-
To strengthen the abdominal muscles, cobra pose is another great posture. It helps to flatten your belly and reduces your waist line by supporting fat loss from the abdomen.
• Lie down on your belly with your legs stretched. Now place your palms underneath your shoulder.
• Chin on the floor with all the toes touching the floor. Inhale and raise your chest bending backwards as much as possible and this pose allow your body to look like cobra. Hold this position for few seconds.
• Now, exhale and bring your head down to original position. Repeat the steps after relaxing for few seconds.
Downward Plank (Kumbhkasana)
It is one of the simplest yoga pose that helps to reduce your belly fat. Not only, it will work on belly but it will also help to tone your buttocks and thighs.
• Begin on your hands and knees with your wrists under the shoulders. Spread your fingers with forearms and hands pressing down.
• Tuck your toes under and step your feet back one at a time. Keep your thighs lifted to bring your body and head in one straight line.
• Inhale and look slightly ahead of your palms. Hold this position for a moment.
• Now, lower down your knees to the floor and rest for a moment. Repeat the steps.
Bow pose (Dhanurasana)-
yoga pose gives your abdomen a full massage that helps to improve the functioning of digestive system and thus, supports flattening of your belly.
• Lie down on your belly with legs stretched together and arms placed on either side of your body.
• Bend your knees and hold your ankles with your arms as shown in the figure.
• Inhale and lift your head backwards. Hold this position for a moment and breathe normally.
• Now, exhale and bring your body back to original position. Relax and repeat the steps.
As the name indicates, hot yoga is the one for which a well heated room is required. Hot yoga increases your pulse rate and fastens the metabolism that makes your body to burn some major calories. Burning calories supports
weight loss and thereby helps your body to attain zero size, easily. There are different types of hot yoga and the most widely practiced among them is Bikram yoga that consists of 26 different postures. It is ideal to perform Bikram yoga by taking classes at approved studios, because such studios are maintained with proper optimal conditions such as a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit and a minimum humidity level of 40 percent.
So, we have discussed all about exercises which you can do to get size zero and now it’s your turn to make a daily exercise schedule and start perform.